Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lo's FAVORITE THINGS...(thursday)


There are really no words to describe makeup. It's self explanatory really. Every girl that is "girlie" like makeup. I don't know one woman that doesn't own any form of makeup. I love painting canvases(on the face), love giving makeovers and making women feel beautiful and makeup is one of the things that plays a part in that. If you look good, you feel good. When I speak makeup it doesn't mean you have to cake it up on your face...gloss, eyeliner,and blush can take you a long waaaaaay. So don't sleep on it, or knock it before trying it. Good luck!

Fred Hammond's Love Unstoppable:
If you LOVE gospel music like I do, then you'll LOVE this C.D. This album stays on heavy rotation. I have a copy in my car, house, and itouch as well as my hubby. This is probably my favorite gospel CD. This C.D is one you will enjoy the WHOLE entire C.D. Not a song skipped. Now that's what you call good music. I think this was a personal C.D from him and I can tell it was literally from his heart. It's soothing, soulful and it's REAL! You couldn't ask for anything better. It was worth the wait. We even got a chance to see him in concert a few weeks ago, and he didn't disappoint. I love music that can speak to my soul and music I can meditate to. Music that I feel God is talking to me through.


I don't think anyone can have enough Accessories. One of my favorite things indeed. Not those plastic cheap looking accessories that some of these females are wearing, but the nice elegant pieces. Who say cheap has to look cheap? The right accessory can make an ENTIRE outfit. Yeah, just one piece. The right accessory can make you feel beautiful...sounds corny right? But it's TRUE! There are no rules when it come to accessorizing your look with your outfit, but it must compliment. Of course we know not to mix gold and silver together....or do we??LOL. Now they are making clothes with accessories attached to the tops, which is pretty cool in a way and save us some time and money. It's always not what you wear, but how you wear it.

Can we say "cute". I LOVE Blazers(jackets). That's why I name it this week's favorite things. You cannot go wrong with a Blazer. They're appropriate for any occasion. They speak sleek and sophistication. I hope they stay in style for a VERY long time. A blazer can make a plain t-shirt look trendy. I also love to see men in Blazers.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Entering the Room

Welcome to my Blog spot.

I've been so hesitant to start a blog, but something have been telling me for the longest to start one, along with family and friends. So here I am. I'm dedicating this Blog to the Ladies (sorry fella's). I'm going to touch on a few things about the men but majority of my entries will be strictly for the Ladies. I'm hope and plan on touching everything from relationships, emotions we face, dating, spirituality, etiquette, marriage, beauty, the latest products, hair, makeup, motivating, latest fashions, etc. We're discussing EVERY SINGLE thing that has to do with a WOMAN dealing with everyday life as well as everything "we" go through, I'm talking about it here. I'm even going to have recorded open discussions. It's going to be awesome and very insightful. However, I can't do this alone. Your comments and feedback will show me that you're enjoying the blog. So once we start rolling with the blog, we can get this show on the road.

A Little info about the Blogger(me)...

Well let's see, My name is Lomiekia D. Messam (but you can call me Meka, Lo' or Meek). I'm 28yrs old. I've been married for 8yrs now(yes GOD is good).lol.I enjoy waking up and spending each and everyday with my bestfriend. JESUS is my LORD and savior. He is indeed the head of my life, without him, I'm NOTHING.

A little more about me:
I attended Cosmetology school in North Carolina, Dudley Cosmetology University, yes the number one AFRICAN AMERICAN cosmetology school in the US. They even did a special on the school on Chris Rock's movie: Good Hair. So, I graduated from there completed my state boards exam and received my license. So, yes that makes me a certified stylist, which means I'm obligated to stay fly.LOL. j/k. Not only were we taught the art of hair, but most importantly we were taught the importance of professionalism, how to build character and how to become successful business owners. I've originally from Florida, lived in North Carolina, Michigan, New Jersey and now Alabama..sigh(I'm tired just typing all that). I'm a mentor.  I have plans to build my own business empire in the beauty industry, write my first book(which is in the works), publish a healthy hair guide book (which was created and featured on a website already), start my very own a non-profit organization, mentor more young ladies and one day go back to my hometown (Belle Glade,FL) and give back(physically). I know with the help of the Lord, he will lead and guide me to and through my goals. I'm not a fan of the whole "dream" stuff. I'm a fan of "faith". Ask and you shall receive. I'm not trying to be rich, I'm already that because my father is rich and he makes sure that I have, and never want for ANYTHING. I just want to give back to others and while in the process, ENJOY what I do. As mentioned earlier, I've been HAPPILY married for 8yrs to my High school sweetheart, I'll talk more about him later in the blogs. I have a adoring and loving mother whom I look up to and aspire to be like in more ways than one. I have two brothers, 2 sister(in laws) and 2 brother(in laws). One sweet father in law, and just lost the most amazing mother in law in the WORLD(may she rest in peace).  I LOVE my family, friends and I love my life. Christ came in and really changed my life. For that I am grateful and thankful.

So that's my story, and you'll learn more as you read along. Hope you enjoy and looking forward to hearing from you all....muah!
