Sunday, April 1, 2012

April's "BEAUTY" of the Month

Fab"LO"city Beauty of the Month is none other than the beautiful  "Krystal Jackson"

I've pretty much known Ms. Jackson pretty much all "her" life and she's blossomed into a very beautiful, sweet, generous God-fearing young lady. Not only is she beautiful on the outside, she's also carries a beautiful heart. Her parents did an awesome job molding her into an outstanding young woman. I would write more about her but I'll allow the questionnaire to tell you a little more about her. 

Getting to know a little about our BEAUTY OF THE MONTH:

1. Name: 
Krystal Jackson

2. Where are you from: Pahokee, Fl 

3. Age:18

4. Children(?) Siblings(?) Spouse(?):. 5 brothers; Jonathan, Earnest, David, Quinton, Tyrone [TWyse]

5. Favorite Food? Chicken Wings or bbq ribs !!!! [YUMM]
6. Occupation: Student at FAMU.

7. What do you like to do on your spare/free time?During my spare time I enjoy sleeping, reading my Bible, texting and spending time with some of my closest friends.

8. How would you describe your fashion style?My fashion style is never predictable, I don't even know what i'm going to wear next.. I dress free because I have a free spirit !

9. Hobbies?? I sing, dance, model and is sleep considered a hobby ?! 

10. Who inspire you? I would say that all of my family is my inspiration. 

11. Favorite beauty products:I don't really use any beauty products

12. Name 2 things that people may not know about you:  People may not know that I do not like shopping, I get what I need and I go and also I'm not a fan of speaking in front of people.

13. What's your favorite Gadget?My iPAD2 would have to be my favorite gadget

14. If you could go anywhere in the world for free, where would it be?? What would you do If I could go anywhere in the world it would be Australia, and I would love to do missions there.

15. What's your favorite book? My favorite book is the Bible, and my favorite book in the Bible is Proverbs.

16. What is your favorite hairstyle? My favorite hairstyle would have to be a BIG bun.

17. What's the best advice you've ever gotten?? the best advice i've ever gotten was to forgive as Christ forgives, or I won't be forgiven.

18. If you could GIVE one piece of advice to share with the women on this blog, what would it be?? There is a man that is PERFECT in all of His ways that is waiting for a relationship with you, and His name is Jesus. 

19. Do you have any hidden talents? I wouldn't call it a hidden talent, but I am a good listener, I enjoy listening to people express how they feel and pour out their heart.

20. Describe your look/style in the photo you submitted:I would describe my look as "College SHwag"

There you have it Ladies, our beauty of the Month. Here are  a few of her "Glamour Shots".  She submitted two(like asked) but I stole two extra ones(lol) ;o)


Look at that flawless face, can you believe she's not wearing any makeup??

I love this look, it's very laid back but screams swag at the same time

Very Chic

April's Beauty Of the Month 
Ms. Krystal Jackson 

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