Sunday, May 13, 2012


May 13, 2012

I just want to take the time out to wish each and everyone of the mother's, soon to be or mother figures in the world a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. I'm so pleased to know that a certain amount of people was nice and thoughtful enough to send me a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY shout out. Although my daughter is not here with us physically, she will always be in my heart spiritually. I thank GOD for sparing her and us from suffering. I wasn't expecting anyone to wish me a HAPPY MOTHER'S day but they did and I'll forever appreciate that. Even my mom purchased me a card(I LOVE that woman). My mother is so special to me and I cannot describe her unconditional love she has for me, my husband and brothers(her children). She's indeed irreplaceable. I can write a book about her but I wont(right now ;o). I feel so honored that GOD shared her with me. I can be at least HALF the mother she is to us, I'll be the perfect mom. 

Mothers know that all your work is not in vain. You set the tone for this upcoming generation. Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Remember you are your kids first role models be the BEST! 

Remember, GOD loves you and so do I.

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