Wednesday, August 29, 2012


                                           Have you always been a giver or a taker?? 

Personally I've ALWAYS given more than I've taken from people. Even when it came to people I use to hang with back in the day. I never wanted to be known as a taker or user, so I made sure I gave more than I took. I think if more of us had that mentality our world would be a better place to live in. We'd be able to tolerate each other better and certain relationships would last if we had that GIVING HEART! 

Some may say, "I don't have the money to give", or "I'm not financially able to give, I have bills to pay". Well there is good news for you, You don't have to have money to give someone your time, energy, kind words, LOVE,  encouragement, support or presence non of those requires money/cash. So no more excuses.

I can honestly say that a few of my MOST VALUABLE and most REWARDING gifts has not required money. That's right, it was FREE with many benefits. You want to know what it is, it has been PRAYER from others. That's right, PRAYER!!! Don't estimate it's power. Someone took out the "time" "energy" and thoughtfulness to pray for me. And let me tell you, it has CHANGED my life and heart FOREVER!! Although it's not something you can physically hold, but it is something that you can feel deep in your soul and it will change your spiritual life. There's nothing like spiritual peace. So when you run out of ideas of gifts to give and things you can do for someone "PRAY FOR THEM", encourage them, LOVE up on them and let them know you're praying for them and their families daily. 

Other Acts of Kindness and ways to give:

1. Mentoring "sponsor a child, be apart of their life let them know you care and love them daily"

2. Cook a Meal for a Mom that just delivered a baby, a widow, or family that just lost a loved one.

3. Clean up an Elderly person home or send a company to do it, if you're not physically able.

4. Visit a Children's Hospital bring a toy and read a book to them if possible

5. Volunteer to read to kids at your local library

6. Pay for the person that's in line with you groceries

7. Host Charity Events/Parties at your home

8. Volunteer to Babysit for a married couple one weekend

9. Deliver Fresh Baked Cookies to a neighbor or co-worker

10. Bring Flowers to someone

11. Pay for someone Starbucks Coffee/Donuts behind you in a drive-thru.

12. Pray for Someone

Just a few things of acts of kindness that I wanted to share. I will post more because you can never run out of giving's the littlest things that has the MOST impact. Trust me, this isn't going to only bless someone else but this will ALSO bless you and make your whole. I promise once you start giving, your heart will never be the same.

Share some of your acts of Kindness and tell us how it's affected you and the impact it's made on your life (below in the comment box). 

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