Saturday, July 28, 2012

Show your "boobs" some attention

 Hey Diva's

 When was the last time you have a mammogram?? If you can't remember or if you NEVER had one then maybe it's time you go get "your girls" checked. I actually received my very FIRST one just last week...although it was my FIRST mammogram it was not my FIRST time getting a breast exam. Usually my doctor would do a self check/hands on exam when I go in for my yearly physical, or they'd send me to get an ultrasound(which is good, but a mammogram can detect better). However, this time I requested and demanded an actual mammogram. I didn't request it because I felt something was wrong, or because I felt a mysterious knot in my breast, I requested it because I wanted one. I mean why not if you have the insurance to cover it?? At first my insurance wanted to say they didn't cover it(the mammogram exam) because I wasn't over 40yrs yet..which kind of puzzled me because it's not like people haven't been diagnosed with breast cancer before they even reached 40...this time I put my foot down and had my doctor REQUEST that I get an exam..and we both made it happen. All you have to do is speak up, be persistent and all things can work out for your good. :o)

Note: If you have GREAT insurance, USE IT...and get checked. 

The Actual Exam Day: 

So, I went to this health and wellness center to get the exam. Got called back, and began the process..I must say it was EXACTLY what I expected..LOL. It really wasn't painful, but it was uncomfortable. They pretty much make you take off your clothes from the waist up, drape you in a gown and place this big protector thingy(sorry don't know the technical terms) around your waist to protect your ovaries. Next, they adjust this huge machine to your height..make you step close as you can get..lift up your breast and they place your breast on this flat surface...and then...and then..and then..they turn on the machine and it presses your breast FLAT..which is so uncomfortable(lol). So they do that at every angle on both breast and're done. So, it's not really bad and it's SOOO worth the early detection/ prevention. The sooner you find that EVIL cancer the better off you are. 

So Ladies..GET CHECKED!!! 

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