Sunday, April 22, 2012

You think you KNOW ME...but you have NO idea.

Well I just felt the need to address this issue because this recently just happened to me via facebook and I feel the need to share this because this may can help someone out...

One particular day I decided to update my status and on the status I spoke about this particular T.V show called "BasketBall Wives" on VH1(you may have heard of it). I was pretty much talking about the issues that were occurring on the show, about two people who were once BEST friends and how they became enemies(I can relate by the way).  Any who, the whole point of even saying something about the show was to address the fact that there are usually warnings/red flag before destruction and how we often times IGNORE those warning just to accommodate us(our flesh).

So, after I added that status a particular FB friend comment and says "why ya'll watching that mess"??? While looking puzzled at that comment another FB friend commented on my status, she wanted to make it clear that she was just agreeing with me about the whole know your friends and the whole being cautious about your friends actions( sort of speak), and that it wasn't about her watching the show to begin with. So me at that particular time, I began to PRAY..I began to pray because I wanted GOD to lead me with what to say so what I was about to say didn't or wouldn't come off as rude, because if it's one thing that annoys me, JUDGING me by something I watch or speaking my opinion on GETS under my nails...and I hate dirty nails(if you get what I'm trying to say here). So after I prayed I said this:

I actually wasn't watching tonight but I was reading the status about the show. I'm not easy to be manipulated sweetie, anybody that KNOW ME knows that...what others do or behave have nothing to do with my life..I watch alot of stuff but what I watch doesn't reflect me or how I conduct myself. Everything I watch I learn or TEACH lessons from. That's how I connect with the outside world to reach others.

Then she apologized for Judging...
I got u!... That why I was shocked to see that status. I was like, "whut? I'm surprised that she watched that!".. sorry to judge. Bad habit. I should've known better. Now I know (@ THE both of You!)

and my response was this..

It's okay, you're not the first and i'm more than positive you won't be the last. Reading your post, I actually found it funny...I expect those that don't know me to assume & think/say what they want. I don't go out my way to explain who I am, because those that know "LO" knows the real deal. Thanks for giving me a future topic for my blog ;o) 

My point is this Ladies..

Before you assume something about someone and comment on something, do us both a favor and..THINK before speaking. I promise that advice will take you places my friends, and you will gain some real genuine friendships throughout life.  Always ask yourself, "would this come off as judging someone character if I say this", or "is there a possibility that I might offend this person"? I think that's why women are so distance and there's so much division between the female sex because they're so quick to attack without considering the other feelings, or taking time out to know your sister. That all goes back to the saying "treat others how you'll want to be treated". If you don't want or like for others assuming things about you, don't assume about them. Now, I didn't put this up to bash anyone or to show any type of anger(because I'm not), which is the reason why I didn't add any names, because that wasn't important. What's important here is the LESSON at hand. Get to KNOW people before assuming who they REALLY are. Don't "THINK" you know them, if you find something intriguing about that person why not "GET TO KNOW THEM".  My close friends know me, but there's alot that others don't know about me, and i'll like to keep it that way because I feel as though I'm giving those that are willing to know me a special gift when they finally get to know the "real" me. I'm giving you the gift of "me" and when I do that, I give my all because I cherish and honor my friendships with people I love and adore(as should all great friendships I believe).

I really hope this was a lesson and helped someone out, because it truly was an eye opener for me. Remember GOD loves you, and so do I.



Just a few tips on how we can preserve our Earth. Earth Day is all about recycling and GIVING back to our earth.

1. Cleaning- Instead of using harsh chemicals to clean and disinfect, instead..mix up some BAKING SODA, LEMON JUICE and vinegar to tackle those tough areas.

2. Laundry- Instead of using HOT water for your regular color clothes use cold water, not only will it help the earth but you'll save on your electricity bill and the colors in your clothes wont fade. However, I would suggest that you continue to use HOT water on your underwear, towel, and if you have babies..on their clothes as well.

3. Recycling- Plastic, glass and paper are recyclable and there’s no reason for you not to do it.  Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to power your TV for two hours.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

My Glory (Healthy Hair)

Some may say that they are not their hair, they even have a song about it..but my HAIR is apart of who I am..because GOD told me that my hair is my GLORY. So I am apart of my hair and I want all my Glory that God has for me and has given me...

You can also maintain healthy hair while wearing a relaxer. Some are against relaxers because they feel that it damages the hair or it'll bring the hair out...FALSE...THE PERSON may do that, but the relaxer itself doesn't. Some are quick to blame it on the relaxers when it was them that didn't take the time to care, treat and maintain their hair, or didn't want to go to a PROFESSIONAL to let them properly take care of their hair.  If you take care of your hair and treat it the correct way with the best products you can still maintain long, beautiful, healthy hair. I'm not against the natural sistas and I love natural looks as well but I also love relaxed hair too :o


Side View

Front View

Stay tuned for my FAVORITE hair products and how I maintain my mane ;o)

Remember, God Loves you and so do I.

Easy Breezy(Fashion)

This is pretty much a Casual wear for me...the perfect brunch date or girls night out combination. I'm not a huge FAN of pink, but it looks good on me :o) I would call this a pretty neutral look..from the color of the top, to the colors on my mug :o)

Nude lip..a top of Victoria Secret's Pink Gloss

Wearing one of my favorite belts

(excuse the HUGE boobs..blame it on the baby)lol.

Yes, that's all my real hair :o)


Top- Beautiful Ones Boutique
Belt- Arden B
Pant- New York & Company..and yes I wear WHITE year round..Fashion has no RULES!
Purse(I'll get that info from my mom since she purchased it for

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Not A Fan (Product Junky)

Okay, so if you know me, you'll know that I LOVE and enjoy trying new things and products. I'm kinda a sucker for infomercials..I say kinda because some inventions are just too corny and I just wont even bother to try...but if it's good I'm going to RAVE about it and share that with others.

So this is pretty much a waxing remover in a tube..I've tried MANY of these waxes in the tube ( to avoid time in the salon, and from turning on my wax machine) to get waxed and they've all failed me miserably. So, I saw this in the store a few weeks back and decided to give it a try..THEE ONLY reason I THOUGHT this was going to be better is because I use VEET products to shave my legs from time to time and I'm always pleased with the end results. However, this disappointed me...I should've known it wasn't going to be worth anything because first of all, the wax doesn't even get that hot..they tell you to warm it up by putting it in a warm/hot cup of water(which I did) and then apply a thin layer to the hair you want removed(which I did) and strip off with the strip included(which I did). It was indeed and as expected an EPIC FAIL!!! It barely took off ANYTHING. So if you're in the store, see this product and get a little curious about it..TAKE IT FROM's not worth buying at all.

Scale from 1-10(10 being the best) I'll give this a: 1

Face Value (Beauty/Fashion)

Hello Beauties..

This is one of my MANY faces that I played around with. I love doing MAKEUP, pretty much all things beauty I enjoy indulging in it. I love creating different looks. To me, there are no, I will say certain things are common sense no-no's..but for the most part I say have fun trying different things..and different colors, just keep it classy. Whether it's makeup, fashion, creative and make sure it's GOOD creativity. You want good attention, not bad or negative attention..ALL attention isn't good attention..always remember that. Some may say they don't care what people say about them but certain topics, you should care, because your character and image is just as important than anything else.

This is pretty much one of the my many faces with my hair up...p.s Natural is NOT for me(look at my edges)lol.

This is the look with my grey/white scarf and as you can see, my hair is down now.

Please don't give me any "shade"camera man...just take the pic(lol)
Isn't this the coolest, cutest, oddest VINTAGE bag EVER? Shout out to my MOM for getting this for me. She ALWAYS find me the neatest and prettiest pieces. Thanks Ma :o)

And the Look again with my hair down with the same "face value" ;o)

I love the Spring color Eyeshadow I'm wearing here and notice I'm not matching my shadow with my clothes(grey tones) and it's still complimenting each other. No clash of the shadows here :o)

Bag- Vintage (I have to get that info from my mom)
Shirt- NY & Company
Pants- Bitten(Sarah Jessica Parker Line)
Scarf- H&M

A FEW EXTRAS from Photo booth....i'm never serious when I start playing with the webcam.LOL.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Upcoming 10yr Reunion (VOTING POLL)

Hey Dolls,

I need you to do something for me...Well, In a few+ weeks I'll be celebrating my 10yr reunion with my classmates. I myself still can't believe I've been out of Highschool for 10yrs. It seems like yesterday I was running to class trying not to be late, hanging and joking with my crew and walking across the stage to receive my diploma. Time really does fly when you're having fun ;o)...ANYWHO this is where I need some feedback from you..

I have 3 outfits that I have to choose from, for these events and I'm still undecided on which ones I want to pull out the closet and wear. So, to get an extra BOOST I need you ladies to VOTE on my poll to tell me what you guys suggest. Now, this is for a sit-down BANQUET event. So keep that in mind when casting your votes. 

The VOTING section is located to the RIGHT of the page by the member section. Thank you in advance. I can't wait to see what you guys vote on..xoxoxo.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Black..White..and chic (Fashion)

Don't ever be afraid to introduce High End Fashion to Low End. Allow the two to meet they just might become an item ;o)

Clearly my feet need a tan *lol*

Isn't that lip color popping? It's one of my Mac finds..stay tuned for details on the makeup..

This is probably one of my favorite tops(cardigan) I think I'm about to officially retire it because I've worn it more than 7 times(lol). I fell in love with the draped detail(on the top) and the black and white stripes was a bonus too ;o). I took both looks with my hair UP and with it DOWN. I think I like it better with it down, what do you think? You see how big of a difference a simple hair change makes?!? Cool right. 

Top Cardigan- Forever 21(two yrs ago)
Leggings - New York and Company
Skirt- Intimate apparel 
Hat- Forever young boutique
Shoes- BCBG

Remember God Loves you, and so do I.

Lo's 40 Beauty Questions...

40 Beauty Questions


1) How many times do you wash your face daily?
Once, I'll wash my face in the shower in the morning to make sure my face is super clean. I'd probably clean my face TWICE a day if I had oily skin, but because my face is dry that's too much. I can't strip my face too much from oils, because my face needs the hydration and moisture.
2) What skin type do you have?
I'd say for the most part, my skin(face) is DRY! Which can be a good and bad thing, with my dry skin I don't have to worry about pimples, and zits..and the cons are, I have to KEEP it moisturized at all times. I'll also say it's probably slightly normal. 

3) What is your current facial wash?
Oh where shall I start..
Basq Rebalancing Face Cleaner- Let me tell you, I LOVE this stuff. I'd never heard of it until I got pregnant. My very good friend Bre sent me some when I was pregnant from her maternity Store. I fell in LOVE instantly it had my face feeling so clean and smooth, and it smelled DELICIOUS. It was an excellent choice for my sensitive skin. My hormones were out of wack and this cleanser kept my skin under control. I started seeing a difference within a week. It didn't dry out my skin either. She also sent me a few other products that I'll talk about later. is where you can find this product.

Mary Kay's Gentle Cleansing Cream(Formula 1)- This is an old school favorite that I started back using..I loved this product when I was a teen, so I had to start back using it because that's probably when your skin is the worse(as a teen). So if it cleared it up then, I know it'll keep it clean and clear now. This was also good for my sensitive skin and I use this one to take off my makeup as well. I also purchased a few other products from my dear friend Rashonda that I'll review later as well. is where you can find this product :o)

Cetaphil- I've really haven't been committed to using this probably like I should, because I have the one for sensitive skin and to me it feels like it's not cleaning my face like I'd like it to. So I'm currently sticking to the cleansers above. But you can find this in MOST drug stores(Walgreens/CVS) or maybe even grocery stores.

4)Do you exfoliate?
No, not really I'll be lying if I said I did. I've probably exfoliated maybe like 1-2times a year. I have the sonic spin facial brush but it's currently collecting dust :o(

5)What brand do you use?
Refer to the answer above 6)What moisturizer do you use?
MY SKIN cannot live WITHOUT it because it gets so dry and skin begin to peel..which isn't cute especially when you're wearing's quite annoying actually. I don't like greasy/slippery moisturizers because it's HOT and I hate that sweaty hot feelings when it comes to moisturizers. My favorite moisturizer is Aquaphor. It's the only moisturizer that doesn't feel like lotion on my stays in place, i don't have to worry about re-applying and it doesn't rub off throughout the day. I also love the extra GLOW!!! You can find that in drugstores as well.

7)Do you have freckles?
No I don't least I don't think so, I have a few discolored spots that one may mistake for freckles..

8)Do you use eye cream?
No, I don't actually..I don't think I need it(now). But check back with me 40 yrs from now. 

9)Do you or did you have acne prone skin?
No, because as I stated earlier, I had/have dry skin throughout my life and that's not acne,pimple,zit prone that is the BLESSING about having dry skin.

10)Did you ever have to use Pro-Activ?
 NOPE..but I did think about getting it, just for the TONER and the heck of it...weird right??LOL.

11)What foundation do you use?
I use high-end and low-end foundations. It depends on the occasion on which one I'd wear. It also depend on the coverage I want at that particular setting. I use MAC's Studio Sculpt (creamy gel based-like foundation). It's one of my favorite foundations. I switched to that from the Mac's select foundation (it's liquid). I'm glad I did because I like the sculpt alot more. It applied smoother and blended better on my skin without me having to use alot to achieve the coverage I was looking for. Another one of my favorite foundation at the time is Makeup Forever's HD foundation. I love this foundation because it's more so a liquid foundation as well and it blends perfectly with my skin tone. As for low end foundations I wear L'oreal True Match (super blendable), and Maybelline's Fit Me foundation.. both of those are at your local drug store (walmart/CVS) I usually wear those when I'm doing/running errands and when it's a laid back casual day. To me, I treat them like I treat my tinted moisturizers..just when i need a little tint to color my discoloration.

12)How about concealer?
Right now I'm using Mac's Finish concealer, and I also use Covergirl(low-end) concealer for myself. I don't really use that much concealer for myself because I'm not in a dire need for it. I may have a few blemishes here and there from time to time, but I my foundation pretty much cover those up nicely.  

13)Do you know your undertone colour?
My undertone is Warm and that's the yellow/golden undertones. F.Y.I That's what those NC..NW letters stands for when you're purchasing makeup from MAC for example..the c is for the "cool" and w is for the "warm".

14)What do you think of fake eyelashes?
They're pretty cool....I really don't need them because my lashes are at pretty good length right now naturally, so I just add a little mascara and go with that..I have some falsies but I don't really wear them that much.  

15)Did you know you were supposed to change your mascara every 3 months?
Yeah, but I'm guilty for NOT following that golden I do toss them out though.

16)What brand of mascara do you use?
Oh Man, I use all different kinds of Mascara..I use Covergirls, Maybelline, Bare Minerals..for some reason I find the lower end brand mascara's to be better..they WAKE my eyes up better.

17)Sephora or Mac?
BOTH..I can spend HOURS in those stores, especially SEPHORA because sephora has all your skin care and more needs. I usually purchase my fragrances out of sephora as well, but I love them both equally...sorry I just can't pick one.

18)Do you have a Mac Pro card?

19)What makeup tools do you use in makeup application?
I use sponges and brushes, I don't/won't apply my makeup without them. I use my foundation brushes(MAC,SEPHORA professional,Beauty Blender, SONIA KUSHUK, I even have a few walgreen brands), eye shadow brushes, blush brushes..etc. The outcome and flawless finish you get with a great blending brush is on another level. I even sometime will use my fingers to apply certain's depends on the look I'm going for(of course make sure your hands are clean before touching your face)

20)Do you use makeup base/primer for the eyes?
Yep, use a Mac Paint Pot, Urban Decay, Bare Minerals, E.L.F, Makeup Forever..if I want staying power, it's a MUST that I use primers.

21)For the face?
L'Oreal's Secret Primer is awesome, Bare Minerals, Smashbox(this one broke me out though), Laura Mercier, Makeup forever are my go to face primers. 

22)What is your favourite eyeshadow?colour or shade?

23)Do you use pencil or liquid liner?
Well it depends..I use my paint pots usually for eyeliners...which is kinda like a combination of both..I have the pencils and liquids but I don't usually use them, it depends on the day and the look I'm going for.

24)How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
LOL..Never usually because I don't usually use pencil eyeliners...

25)What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?
Looove them...they're on another level. The color pigment on those babies are amazing. They have their own personal shelf in my makeup storage.

26)Do you use mineral makeup?
Yes indeed..I set my foundation with it. I feel in love the first time I tried Mineral Makeup, it was when Bare Minerals was just coming on the scene and I ordered it off the T.V(lol). I also have some Bare Minerals eye blushes though because that's too powdery for me.

27)What is your favourite lipstick?

28) How about lipgloss?
I can't go anywhere without my clear MAC lipglass.

29)What is your favourite blush to use?
Oh my, I have many blushes that I use, it depends really on the look I'm going for...I like Mac's Tea Petal, Peach twist, Joyuous, sweet as coco just to name a few and I also have a few shades by NYX.

30)Do you buy your makeup on Ebay?
No not really..I don't think I've ever purchased makeup from Ebay..I think it's a trust issue maybe? Because I don't know what's real, what's put in the products, who's sending it..i'm picky with e.bay when it come to what goes on my face(lol)..

31)Do you like drugstore makeup?
Yes indeed..I don't discriminate..sometimes with products you're ONLY paying for the "name" of the brand and it's pretty much the same exact I love taking a trip to local drug stores to see what they have and trying out new products. 

32)Do you go to CCO's?Cosmetic Company Outlet?
Yes..we have one near us, so every chance I get, I go in there and see what they have in stock. 

33)Did you ever consider taking makeup classes?
I have a license to do it and Yes I have taken a few to stay updated and refreshed.

34)Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?
Not really..I try to be VERY careful and take my time because i HATE going back over mishaps when it comes to applying makeup. 

35)Name a makeup crime that you hate?
When people don't apply eyeshadow correctly. When women of color use colors(lipsticks) that doesn't compliment their skin tone. When people doesn't choose the wrong foundation color.

36)Do you like colourful shades of makeup (lipstick or eyeshadow) or neutral ones?
Neutral for the majority of the time..but I also love wearing color as well. As far as lipsticks, I like neutral/nude lipsticks but I also like that perfect lip colour as well.

37)Which celebrity always has great makeup?
Beyonce, Vanessa Williams, MaryMary, Jennifer Lopez( love her dewy looks), LaLa Valez, Oprah, Monica and Janet Jackson.

38)If you could leave the house using just ONE makeup item, what would you use?
Hmm...Probably my Tinted Moisturizer.
39)Could you leave the house without any makeup on?
Of course, I do it all the time.

40)Do you think you look good even without any makeup on?
Absolutely..that's why I try to drink water, make sure I get my facials, cleaners, toners, and moisture to obtain great skin. 

41)In your opinion what is the BEST makeup line?
Hmm tough one..I don't know if I can answer that one yet because I haven't TRIED everything to know what line is the best.

42)What do you think of makeup?
I love can do some much and create so many looks with's just paint to paint your canvass( your face) and ENHANCE ones beautiful features. The beauty is already there, the make up is to EXPOSE the beauty more, not to HIDE it. Often times people don't realize that..that's why when they apply too much and before to overdue it they destroy the whole entire 
purpose of it.

Any Questions, or comments don't hesitate to leave them in the comment box(below). And Remember, God Loves you, and so do I.

April's "BEAUTY" of the Month

Fab"LO"city Beauty of the Month is none other than the beautiful  "Krystal Jackson"

I've pretty much known Ms. Jackson pretty much all "her" life and she's blossomed into a very beautiful, sweet, generous God-fearing young lady. Not only is she beautiful on the outside, she's also carries a beautiful heart. Her parents did an awesome job molding her into an outstanding young woman. I would write more about her but I'll allow the questionnaire to tell you a little more about her. 

Getting to know a little about our BEAUTY OF THE MONTH:

1. Name: 
Krystal Jackson

2. Where are you from: Pahokee, Fl 

3. Age:18

4. Children(?) Siblings(?) Spouse(?):. 5 brothers; Jonathan, Earnest, David, Quinton, Tyrone [TWyse]

5. Favorite Food? Chicken Wings or bbq ribs !!!! [YUMM]
6. Occupation: Student at FAMU.

7. What do you like to do on your spare/free time?During my spare time I enjoy sleeping, reading my Bible, texting and spending time with some of my closest friends.

8. How would you describe your fashion style?My fashion style is never predictable, I don't even know what i'm going to wear next.. I dress free because I have a free spirit !

9. Hobbies?? I sing, dance, model and is sleep considered a hobby ?! 

10. Who inspire you? I would say that all of my family is my inspiration. 

11. Favorite beauty products:I don't really use any beauty products

12. Name 2 things that people may not know about you:  People may not know that I do not like shopping, I get what I need and I go and also I'm not a fan of speaking in front of people.

13. What's your favorite Gadget?My iPAD2 would have to be my favorite gadget

14. If you could go anywhere in the world for free, where would it be?? What would you do If I could go anywhere in the world it would be Australia, and I would love to do missions there.

15. What's your favorite book? My favorite book is the Bible, and my favorite book in the Bible is Proverbs.

16. What is your favorite hairstyle? My favorite hairstyle would have to be a BIG bun.

17. What's the best advice you've ever gotten?? the best advice i've ever gotten was to forgive as Christ forgives, or I won't be forgiven.

18. If you could GIVE one piece of advice to share with the women on this blog, what would it be?? There is a man that is PERFECT in all of His ways that is waiting for a relationship with you, and His name is Jesus. 

19. Do you have any hidden talents? I wouldn't call it a hidden talent, but I am a good listener, I enjoy listening to people express how they feel and pour out their heart.

20. Describe your look/style in the photo you submitted:I would describe my look as "College SHwag"

There you have it Ladies, our beauty of the Month. Here are  a few of her "Glamour Shots".  She submitted two(like asked) but I stole two extra ones(lol) ;o)


Look at that flawless face, can you believe she's not wearing any makeup??

I love this look, it's very laid back but screams swag at the same time

Very Chic

April's Beauty Of the Month 
Ms. Krystal Jackson