Sunday, April 8, 2012

Not A Fan (Product Junky)

Okay, so if you know me, you'll know that I LOVE and enjoy trying new things and products. I'm kinda a sucker for infomercials..I say kinda because some inventions are just too corny and I just wont even bother to try...but if it's good I'm going to RAVE about it and share that with others.

So this is pretty much a waxing remover in a tube..I've tried MANY of these waxes in the tube ( to avoid time in the salon, and from turning on my wax machine) to get waxed and they've all failed me miserably. So, I saw this in the store a few weeks back and decided to give it a try..THEE ONLY reason I THOUGHT this was going to be better is because I use VEET products to shave my legs from time to time and I'm always pleased with the end results. However, this disappointed me...I should've known it wasn't going to be worth anything because first of all, the wax doesn't even get that hot..they tell you to warm it up by putting it in a warm/hot cup of water(which I did) and then apply a thin layer to the hair you want removed(which I did) and strip off with the strip included(which I did). It was indeed and as expected an EPIC FAIL!!! It barely took off ANYTHING. So if you're in the store, see this product and get a little curious about it..TAKE IT FROM's not worth buying at all.

Scale from 1-10(10 being the best) I'll give this a: 1

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