Sunday, April 22, 2012

You think you KNOW ME...but you have NO idea.

Well I just felt the need to address this issue because this recently just happened to me via facebook and I feel the need to share this because this may can help someone out...

One particular day I decided to update my status and on the status I spoke about this particular T.V show called "BasketBall Wives" on VH1(you may have heard of it). I was pretty much talking about the issues that were occurring on the show, about two people who were once BEST friends and how they became enemies(I can relate by the way).  Any who, the whole point of even saying something about the show was to address the fact that there are usually warnings/red flag before destruction and how we often times IGNORE those warning just to accommodate us(our flesh).

So, after I added that status a particular FB friend comment and says "why ya'll watching that mess"??? While looking puzzled at that comment another FB friend commented on my status, she wanted to make it clear that she was just agreeing with me about the whole know your friends and the whole being cautious about your friends actions( sort of speak), and that it wasn't about her watching the show to begin with. So me at that particular time, I began to PRAY..I began to pray because I wanted GOD to lead me with what to say so what I was about to say didn't or wouldn't come off as rude, because if it's one thing that annoys me, JUDGING me by something I watch or speaking my opinion on GETS under my nails...and I hate dirty nails(if you get what I'm trying to say here). So after I prayed I said this:

I actually wasn't watching tonight but I was reading the status about the show. I'm not easy to be manipulated sweetie, anybody that KNOW ME knows that...what others do or behave have nothing to do with my life..I watch alot of stuff but what I watch doesn't reflect me or how I conduct myself. Everything I watch I learn or TEACH lessons from. That's how I connect with the outside world to reach others.

Then she apologized for Judging...
I got u!... That why I was shocked to see that status. I was like, "whut? I'm surprised that she watched that!".. sorry to judge. Bad habit. I should've known better. Now I know (@ THE both of You!)

and my response was this..

It's okay, you're not the first and i'm more than positive you won't be the last. Reading your post, I actually found it funny...I expect those that don't know me to assume & think/say what they want. I don't go out my way to explain who I am, because those that know "LO" knows the real deal. Thanks for giving me a future topic for my blog ;o) 

My point is this Ladies..

Before you assume something about someone and comment on something, do us both a favor and..THINK before speaking. I promise that advice will take you places my friends, and you will gain some real genuine friendships throughout life.  Always ask yourself, "would this come off as judging someone character if I say this", or "is there a possibility that I might offend this person"? I think that's why women are so distance and there's so much division between the female sex because they're so quick to attack without considering the other feelings, or taking time out to know your sister. That all goes back to the saying "treat others how you'll want to be treated". If you don't want or like for others assuming things about you, don't assume about them. Now, I didn't put this up to bash anyone or to show any type of anger(because I'm not), which is the reason why I didn't add any names, because that wasn't important. What's important here is the LESSON at hand. Get to KNOW people before assuming who they REALLY are. Don't "THINK" you know them, if you find something intriguing about that person why not "GET TO KNOW THEM".  My close friends know me, but there's alot that others don't know about me, and i'll like to keep it that way because I feel as though I'm giving those that are willing to know me a special gift when they finally get to know the "real" me. I'm giving you the gift of "me" and when I do that, I give my all because I cherish and honor my friendships with people I love and adore(as should all great friendships I believe).

I really hope this was a lesson and helped someone out, because it truly was an eye opener for me. Remember GOD loves you, and so do I.

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