Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What I'm Grateful For??!!

 Have you ever had a chance to sit down and think about all the things you're grateful for, no really, have you? So much is going on this world but at the end of the day most of us can honestly say that we have been so blessed to have been spared some of the hardship that we've seen or witnessed that's surrounding us. So here are a list of some of the things I'm grateful for...

1. I'm grateful for a peace of MIND(especially after the passing of my daughter). Those that have been supportive during our loss, the calls, cards, flowers and constant prayers. Including the staff/nurses at Brookewood Women Center. We love you.
2. I'm grateful for Salvation & Life
3. I'm grateful for GOD waking me up this morning
4. I'm grateful my magnificent, loving, caring, supportive,  and providing husband
5. I'm grateful for having a best friend in my mother...we talk everyday :o)
6. I'm grateful for having a healthy life and my families are healthy
7. I'm grateful for the experience I've had throughout life, the people I've met and the ones God separated me from.
8. I'm grateful for wisdom &  knowledge
9. I'm grateful for the NEW people God has placed in my life and heart.
10. I'm grateful for God giving me the strength and drive to do this blogging project and share this with you guys. Thanks for your support. It..and you..means alot. xoxo.

What are some of the things you're grateful for, share some of it in the comment box below. I'd love to hear about them. Blessings dolls. God Loves you and so do I.


  1. 1) I'm grateful for GOD allowing me to see another day.
    2) I'm grateful for me & my family's health & the constant financial blessings GOD has given me throughout my life.
    3) I'm grateful for all of the trials I've been thru because the tribulations made me a stronger & much wiser woman.
    4) I'm grateful for GOD finally allowing me to cross paths with the man he made just for me & allowing my mind to be clear enough to recognize & accept my blessing.
    5) I'm grateful for my healthy pregnancy & constant support I receive from my family & friends
    6) I'm grateful for the inventor of fruit & cupcakes! :)

    1. Yeeees, you have ALOT to be grateful for..good stuff...

      Girl your 4, 5, and 6 are my You seem/look so happy Kesha. You deserve it girl. I feel all women deserve happiness with that significant other/someone special. I'm so happy that your pregnancy is going by smoothly..I can't wait to see pics of a healthy bouncing baby boy/girl. LOL@ the cupcakes..those craving are getting the best of you huh??LOL.

      LOVE it..thanks for sharing with us.xoxo.

  2. Miekia, you are absolutely right. It's so many distractions around you that sometimes you need to sit alone and meditate what you are grateful for. I have so many things to be grateful for that I cannot list them all, but the one thing is I grateful for my husband and kids. God

    1. I'm on my phone. I don't know what happened. So I'm continuing from my recent post, lol! God has showed me to still and let him do his work. Miekia, I'm just grateful to be living and to be able to raise both of my kids. Teary eyes.....

  3. That's right Manda. Distractions can easily detour us from what's important and that's the things/people God has blessed us with and to have. I'm so proud of the women, mother and wife you've become. When we have faith in GOD and be still(like you spoke of) it's impossible to fail. I'm like you, everytime I think of my blessings and all he's done I just want to cry tears of JOY!!

    Thanks for sharing lovely..xoxo

  4. 1. Im grateful for all the struggle god has let me go through and come out strong from
    2. Im grateful for my lovely little family (bubba & trey)
    3. Im grateful that god let me break the cycle and keep my little boy with me (adoption & foster care happens alot with my family)
    4. Im grateful to have been introduced to women the you who are truely inspirational & a great friend
