Monday, March 26, 2012

Your Past (Woman2Woman)

Question: Have you allowed yourself to let go of your past? Did you know that holding on to your past will not change anything about it? You'll still have the same past, and you'll still be confused and miserable. So why not let go of it.

My Story:
I found myself holding on to a grudge against a certain individual that use to be apart of my life. It was so great that every time someone would bring up that person name, i'll get upset all over again and the ill feelings would grow deeper. I knew God was working and dealing with me on this because every time I'd go to church or mention it to my mom or husband the word FORGIVENESS would come up. I knew it was God working on me through them to give me that message. So I finally forgave that individual because it was something I HAD to do in order to make it to my destination...HEAVEN! My pride and my flesh DID NOT want to do it because I KNEW i didn't do anything wrong to that person, (even after the person  lies, deceit, selfishness, speaking evil against me) even after all that, my thought process had me thinking I didn't have to forgive that person...WRONG..I did. Again, it was not something I wanted to do, it was something I HAD to do. It wasn't for them, it was for GOD and me. My mom use to always tell me, "what the devil set up for your harm, GOD turns it around and set it up for your GOOD". I promise that's been the case in my life over these last 3yrs. I honestly don't think I'd be where I am spiritually in my walk with Christ had I still been in that friendship today. So I thank GOD for where I am in life now, because I see now everything that happened was ALL in his PLANS. If you wondering did I reach out to the individual about the forgiveness, YES I was HARD..but I had to do it.  I reached out to the individual via cellphone and said "you are forgiven, and I forgive you" it was the beginning of the conclusion of a chapter in my life.

So, I said all that to say this, regardless of the things people say and do to you, KNOW that GOD protects and shield his people, and at the end of the day you have to forgive them and release them. You're not doing it for them, you're doing it to please GOD, because he's the one that will fight all battles for you. TRUST ME when I say this..he will FIGHT all battles for you. I'm a witness and after seeing it, I no longer feel the need to argue or go back and forth with people to protect myself or prove a case anymore.

Conclusion: If you ALLOW the PAST to define your PRESENT, you'll never get to LIVE the life you were meant to live. Let go of your anger. It's NO ONE else responsibility to make YOU feel better, you are the one that's in control, it's your choices and your responsibility.

Remember, God Loves you, and so do I...xoxoxo


  1. Im just about to cry reading this because I am dealing with similar situation (except with someone much closer then a friend). I know god wants and needs me to forgive this person because it has just become very unhealthy for me not to. I admit I am still working to forgive this person but I am getting closer and closer to doing so. Thanks alot for this post meek! It truely touched my soul! much love

    1. Hey Taylor,
      I'm so GLAD that GOD gave me this to share to touch someone. Even if it was/is one person. I know I'm doing what I'm suppose to do. It's hard to forgive those that has wrong us, but it's important that we do. Like I said earlier, it's not them you're doing it for, it's for YOU and GOD! You want blessings, you have to do as he says. It's hard at first, but you'll get over and you'll even get over them, if it's in his will to end the friendship. Life goes on, and you must have a peace of mind and clear heart in order to enjoy it(LIFE). Where I am in life, there's no turning back. I refuse to go back, my only focus is what's ahead and going forward. Glad you liked the post, and you're welcome sweetie.


  2. How do you know when you have truly forgiven? I have come to learn that just because I told you I forgave you doesn't mean that I FEEL like I've forgiven. The hurt is still there even after I've expressed forgiveness. It just leaves me me with that what next feeling.

    1. Well..that's a good question Candice. You know the hurt may still be there but it will heal and as the time go by it will get better. You can forgive someone but you you'll never forget what they did. I know in my situation I FORGAVE the individual but I'll never forget the evil words spoken against me..ex: talking about my ability to "conceive" a child. Now, in my mind, that stood grounds for HATING this person because you'd NEVER dream a person you once considered a "friend" would even think to say or pick at something evil like that (even though it wasn't true) it was just the principle of the thing. However, after that GOD had to show up and PROVE that he's mightier because right after that was said about me, I found out I was pregnant. LOOK at GOD, and EVEN after that I was STILL able to forgive that point is, what the DEVIL may set up/say for your harm, GOD set up for your good. People may say and do things to harm us emotionally but we have to put our feelings aside, get over it and allow GOD to take over and have his way with them. I refuse to occupy my time and emotions on what people have done to me in the past because that's giving them too much power over you because you're constantly angry and thinking about the wrong they've done. If others can FORGIVE and move on, then we all are capable of doing it. I can't imagine living all my life thinking about the past, that's a miserable lifestyle, and ANYTHING that bring misery I don't want it. You're the director of your life, you can create the cast, the extras you can take them out/or keep them in, you CONTROL it dictate everything that happens in your life.

      You know you've forgiven that person when you no longer look at them the same way you did before. If GOD can FORGIVE US, we can FORGIVE others.
